A breath of fresh air at the end of a long day in the hospital
“When we first received Alex’s diagnosis, saying I felt devastated is an understatement. I felt heart broken and shocked, finding out he was so ill when I had a lot of hope he’d be as healthy as my older son, who was born 5 weeks earlier in gestation than Alex. We knew his best care would come from doctoring in Saskatoon, but we were nervous about the costs that would be involved being so far away from home while staying as close to Alex as possible. RMHC was something I’d heard about in passing from another local family, never really realizing how important and necessary it is until I needed it myself.
RMH definitely felt like a breath of fresh air at the end of a long day in the hospital, a home away from home in the midst of dealing with some of the toughest things we’ve ever had to deal with. Being able to unwind, wash up and lay our heads down in a real bed made a world of difference after the commotion of the hospital.
“I can say with all honesty, I have no idea what we would have done if we didn’t have RMH to stay at.”
Jillian Dalziel, Oxbow, SK
If they hadn’t been available to us, we would have had to travel from Estevan, SK, which is approximately a 4.5 hour drive. RMH made just about everything easier for us, some of the bigger things being that we could eat proper meals and have our other children along with us. The play room in particular made everyone much more comfortable. To say we love RMH is putting it lightly. Our favourite memories have just got to be being able to stay as a family unit during these difficult times, and to all go home as a family.
Thank you to RMHC for everything that they do, it truly makes a world of difference.”
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