“…all we knew is that families stay there (RMHC) when their children are in hospital.”
“It is hard to believe it has been just over nine years since we first stayed at our ‘Home Away from Home, The House that Love Built”. November 16, 2014 is a day we will never forget, we welcomed a beautiful girl into our family and did not know where we were going on our medical journey.
We did not know a lot about the house before arriving in Saskatoon 4 days after Elaina was flown from Lloydminster, all we knew was medical families stay there when their children are at hospitals. Our older children asked to put change in the box at the restaurants for years but we never thought of where it went. Now we know where it goes and how much it can help.
Our first stay was almost 3 weeks and we have stayed nights now. Through the appointments, surgeries with overnight stays at the house and hospital, or just pop in visits we have always felt like we were home.
The people that work and volunteer at RMHC-SK can only be described as family. There is always someone to listen when you have a hard day, unexpected results, or just waiting for answers. When you have hard, long days they have Home for Dinner and it is a great feeling to have a hot meal ready when you just have nothing left to give. The programs that run throughout the week give relief to every member of your family, Elaina loves the manicures, kids clubs, play room and art room. We would not have been able to get through the medical journey we have been on so far without knowing we have the support of all those incredible people that are there.”
“The people that work and volunteer at RMHC-SK can only be described as family.”
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