Adopt a Room
The Program
The Adopt-A-Room program allows an individual, company, or organization to be the exclusive partner on one of the guest rooms at RMHC-SK. Our program helps support the operational expenses of our facility.
As guests are invited to contribute $10/night for their stay at the House, the Adopt-A-Room program helps us bridge the gap between what guests pay and the actual cost of upkeep for a room.
Contributions to this program provides direct support for guest room upkeep and operations so families can have a place they call home while they are away from theirs.

Getting Involved
The cost of adopting a room is $10,000 a year for a minimum of three years. This can be paid annually or all at once.
Donors receive three years of recognition with the option for renewal after that time.
Our donor recognition at a $30,000 contribution level includes the following:
- A one-time acknowledgment in a local newspaper- the newspaper of their choice.
- Recognition for three years on our website
- Recognition each year in our yearly newsletter
- Name on our ‘Sustaining the Home – Family of Donors’ Donor Wall
- Name Recognition on Room
- VIP reception at the House to honour you, the donor
- Invitation to ‘Open’ House events

Your contribution matters
Your contribution has a direct impact on families that stay at the House.
Thank you to our donors who support the Adopt-A-Room program!
Bud & Terra Chisholm
Cargill Ltd.
Casey and Karen Davis
Cherry Insurance Ltd.
CIBC Wood Gundy, Saskatoon
Clint and Carole Forster
Crowndale Farm Family
Daphne Arnason & Leo Bourassa
Darcy and Christine Campbell
Don and Sharon Sych
Garth and Beverly Moore Foundation
Harry Potter Room
In Honour of Margaret Sander & Celebration of Ned Sander
Jeff and Judy Lehne
Lillie Farley
Marion Graham Collegiate
Mervin and Arlene Rumpel
Moodley Family
Petrocare Construction Ltd.
Rob and Nora Rongve
Saskatchewan Blue Cross
Scherbo Holdings
Strathcona Resources Ltd.
TCU Financial
The Avengers